About The Showcase
We are pleased to present our 20th year of the Performing in New York Showcase. To share this milestone with talented dancers who make it possible, we are excited to extend the showcase to TWO days....FOUR shows! You can choose to perform both days, in all four shows, or just one day, in two shows!
Saturday November 8, 2025
Sunday November 9, 2025
Showtimes are at 3pm & 6pm on both days
Showcase Details
We produce a professional show in a real New York theater.
Your dancers will perform in one of New York's iconic off-Broadway theaters, the Theater at 14Y.
The Theater at 14Y is a beautiful black box theater in the Union Square / East Village area of Manhattan.
Yes, Manhattan. Not Brooklyn, not Long Island City...Manhattan.
A real theater. Real stage. Real production team. Real Manhattan.
Better yet, your participation fee includes professional photos and video of your performance!

Professional Theater
It's a real theater...not a studio showing!
Professional Video
Reel worthy footage, professionally shot and edited!
Professional Photos
Shot and edited by a published dance photographer!
Unforgettable Memories
A professional show but produced with warmth and heart!
Participation Terms
To produce a show of this scale and professionalism in a Manhattan theater, we come together and share the costs as a community.
Because we share the cost, the cost per dancer can be very low!
The cost to participate is $37.50 per dancer, per piece, per show date, with a minimum of 6 dancers. Pieces can be a maximum of 6 minutes. Groups can definitely perform more than one piece (many of the do!), but the fee is per dancer per piece (per show date).
Let's look at some examples of how the cost would break down:
Example #1
The Fireworks Dance Troupe is bringing a group of 9 dancers to perform in 1 piece for the Saturday show date only.
9 dancers @ $37.50 per dancer for one piece for one show date
9 dancers * $37.50 * 1 piece * 1 show date
= $337.50 total participation fee
Example #2
The Tap Magicians are a group of 14 dancers who want perform in 2 pieces for both the Saturday and Sunday show dates.
14 dancers @ $37.50 per dancer for two pieces for both show dates
14 dancers * $37.50 * 2 pieces * 2 show dates
= $1050.00 total participation fee
Example #3
The Prima Vogue Donnas have a group of 7 dancers and a group of 8 dancers. The group of 7 dancers is performing only on Sunday, but the group of 8 dancers is performing both Saturday and Sunday.
7 dancers @ $37.50 per dancer for one piece for one show date
7 dancers * $37.50 * 1 piece * 1 show date
= $262.50 subtotal participation fee for the group of 7 dancers
8 dancers @ $37.50 per dancer for one piece for two show dates
8 dancers * $37.50 * 1 piece * 2 show dates
= $600.00 subtotal participation fee for the group of 8 dancers
GRAND TOTAL = $262.50 + $600.00 = $862.50
Have questions are about the cost? We can help!
Ready to sign up? We can help!
Event Venue
For 2025, we are pleased to present, once again, at The Theater at 14Y!
Located at 344 East 14th Street New York, NY 10003. Just 5 minutes from our previous theater. The Theater at 14Y is a beautiful black box theater in the Union Square / East Village area of Manhattan.
Black Box
Professional Lighting Plot, Professional Sound, Professional Crew
In the heart of Manhattan
You're performing in the same space as major off-Broadway shows
We cannot wait to share this beautiful theater space with you!.
Event Schedule
Show day at the theater is always full of excitement and adrenaline!
After 20 years of producing the showcase, and always learning and adapting,
we try to run our show days like a well-oiled machine!
The theater is your home for the day.
Arrive as early as you'd like, but at least 30 mins before your scheduled tech time.
Tech Rehearsal BEGIN
Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled tech slot and sign in with our Technical Director at the box office when you group arrives.
Each performing groups will be scheduled for a brief slots
to run their piece and set lighting cues (3 cues max).
Tech Rehearsal END
Dressing Rooms Open Pick up your room assignment at the box office.
Dressing Rooms will be assigned so that we know where to find your group when you are up in the running order.
Groups should be in-house by this time and ideally in costume and makeup.
Cast Meeting with Artistic and Technical Directors
This is mandatory. We'll cover any last minute guidance and potential changes to running order, etc.
House Opens for Show #1 Each showtime is individually ticketed.
Tickets available here.
We will take full cast photos first and then individual group photos in running order.Groups should be in-house by this time and ideally in costume and makeup.
House Opens for Show #2 Each showtime is individually ticketed.
Tickets available here.
Tech Rehearsal BEGIN
Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled tech slot and sign in with our Technical Director at the box office when you group arrives.
Each performing groups will be scheduled for a brief slots
to run their piece and set lighting cues (3 cues max).
Tech Rehearsal END
Dressing Rooms Open Pick up your room assignment at the box office.
Dressing Rooms will be assigned so that we know where to find your group when you are up in the running order.
Groups should be in-house by this time and ideally in costume and makeup.
Cast Meeting with Artistic and Technical Directors
This is mandatory. We'll cover any last minute guidance and potential changes to running order, etc.
House Opens for Show #1 Each showtime is individually ticketed.
Tickets available here.
We will take full cast photos first and then individual group photos in running order.Groups should be in-house by this time and ideally in costume and makeup.
House Opens for Show #2 Each showtime is individually ticketed.
Tickets available here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Don't see your question here? We can help!
Are my dancers "good enough" to perform?
SHORT ANSWER. Yes. More than good enough.
LONG ANSWER. Another great question! We've all been there, right?
Whether it's imposter syndrome, "I've never been on stage before, EVER", or, the piece I choreographed is so experimental or even unfinished...
we're no stranger to these thoughts.
We work hard to create an inclusive community within and around the showcase. And it's often those very pieces, where a director or choreographer wasn't sure
if they should stage it, that are best received by the audience.
Tell you what, if you're still not sure, reach out to us and let's talk about your group or piece! We can help!
Why do I have to contact you guys to sign me group up? Can't I just do it online?
The truth is, a registration form for the showcase is hard to build. There are just too many variables to "code" for,
depending on how many dancers are in a group,
how many pieces a group wants to perform,
which day(s) they are going to perform.
Plus, we like to do the sign-up personally with each group leader. It helps make sure everyone is on the same page with the
participation details, the fees, the schedule, etc.
We promise, we're fun to talk to and quick to respon to e-mails and phone calls. :) So, if you're ready to sign up, reach out to us, We can help!
Where do we buy tickets to come to the show?
Happy to help! Here's a link: Tickets! We would be remiss if we did not thank you, our gracious audience members, for supporting the showcase and the performers. You help US make it possible to produce this performance opportunity for the dancers!
Why is there a participation fee?
Great question! We are major advocates for performers being fairly compensated. That said, we produce this showcase on a not-for-profit basis, cost-sharing, so as to provide performance opportuntiies. So many dance schools, smaller dance companies, and open class dance students (kids and adults alike) would love to perform but could never pay for a theater and production team to do it just for themselves. Or, if they did, it would be once-in-a-lifetime. We make it possible to have that experience MORE THAN ONCE in a lifetime, without breaking the bank. Many of the groups who peform with us think of the cost not as "paying to perform" but rather as "covering the expenses of a safe, professional, insured, performance space and for professional photos and video" of their performance!
I have a question that isn't listed here.
No problem, love questions! Drop us a line. We can help! We can even give you a call. Sometimes it's easier to talk through a question. And we get to "meet" other over the phone. And you get some confidence that we are real people who produce this showcase. :)
About Us
Kat Wildish has been showcasing dancers works since 2004 and officially launched the Performing in NY Showcases in 2008 to give her adult students a rare opportunity: the chance to perform real classical repertoire in professional theaters in Manhattan. Small professional troupes, schools, and open-class students in various styles join the passionate international cast. Kat believes every dancer deserves the chance to achieve his, her, or their dreams of performance, regardless of age or level. You, our audience, help make this possible! Thank you for supporting the dancers who work so very hard in the studio and on-stage!!
We love to hear from you. Really, we do. We thrive on it. Reach out! We can help!
We even like talking to you on the phone. If you want to talk by phone, include your phone when you contact us and we'll give you a call.